A TV report alleging that some Afghan refugees have spent their vacations in Afghanistan has triggered a major discussion in politics and the media. tuenews INTERNATIONAL therefore asked the press office of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) how it deals with such cases.
If the office becomes aware of such a journey home to the country of origin of refugees with protection status, it carries out a case-by-case assessment. The reason for the journey home and the length of stay are determined and it is then checked whether the protection status is still valid or whether it should be revoked. However, BAMF spokesperson Stefan von Borstel clarifies: „According to case law, a short return journey to fulfill a moral obligation, such as attending a funeral or visiting a seriously ill family member, should not constitute sufficient grounds for revocation.“ You can take legal action against a revocation. If this is unsuccessful, the respective immigration authority may decide on the further stay for other reasons. The BAMF does not keep statistics on such revocation procedures.
Authorities that become aware of such trips home are obliged to inform the BAMF. This also applies to persons who are still in the asylum procedure or for whom there is a ban on deportation.