8. February 2025

  • Decision-making aid for the Bundestag election

    In Baden-Württemberg, 16 parties are competing in the Bundestag election on Sunday, 23 February. Nationwide, there are 29 parties. The digital Wahl-O-Mat from the Federal Agency for Civic Education can help with the…

tuenews KULTUREN

The regime of Syrian ruler Bashar al Assad ended on December 8, 2024, and the country of origin of many refugees in Germany is in a state of upheaval. What impact does this have on them?

Shitstorms, hate comments, cyberattacks: Anonymous actors on the internet, especially on social media, are spreading disinformation at breakneck speed and in their thousands. Russia has deployed troll armies in the war against Ukraine. Who is trying to destabilize societies in Germany and Europe? How can we protect ourselves?

Germany is heading towards a new Bundestag election in spring 2025. Many newly naturalized citizens will be allowed to vote for the first time. How can they get involved and volunteer to help with the election?

With the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Russia has extremely intensified its war against the Ukrainian people. Many people from Ukraine and Russia have found protection in Germany. What developments are important for them?